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Our COVID-19 Response

Radio Health Information Network

Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 and Other Highly Infectious Diseases in sub-Saharan Africa

Developing Radio Partners has established the Radio Health Information Network to help curb the spread and adapt to the impacts of COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa. Access to accurate information is critical in this time of crisis.  As has happened in previous epidemics, misinformation and rumors spread rapidly. With its widespread reach, radio is the best medium and can respond quickly and flexibly – providing accurate actionable information and helping communities recover from the pandemic.


The Network has launched in Malawi and Burkina Faso where stations across each country are producing and airing daily programs on the pandemic and its secondary impacts on society.


The Network broadcasts local programming that encourages life-saving behaviors among rural and urban populations.  Teams of local journalists produce accurate and verified content that is broadcast daily on community-based radio stations currently reaching a listening area of 6 million. 


The Network is guided by a team of experts in public health communication, behavior change, infectious disease and global health. It provides real-time content, knowledge and expertise to ensure that all programming is clearly designed to achieve collective behavior change results. In addition to reinforcing basic public health messaging, programs have tackled issues such as stigmatization and discrimination, increases in sexual abuse of school-aged girls, a spike in child marriages in rural communities and innovative revenue-generating ideas during the pandemic.


DRP is prepared to expand this network throughout Africa. 

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